Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Chapter 1: Learning My Fate

I am so sorry about what happened on Friday.

I pushed "Send," hoping that my boss, Kim Marshall, would forgive me for my ridiculous accident I had at work on Friday. I was a coffee courier at Heuber Associates, the main center of business in Appaloosa Plains, and all I had to do was go to Starbucks and get drinks for the corporate meeting that was taking place. It had been the end of my first week at work and I just so happened to wake up late. Two hours had passed before I woke up and looked at my clock, severely panicking that I had just gotten myself fired. The meeting had been going on for thirty minutes before I finally arrived at work, more disheveled than I had wanted to be in front of all the important suits, as I walked in incredibly embarrassed. Luckily, Ms. Marshall wasn't the kind of boss who enjoyed humiliating her lowly employees, so she waited till after the suits had left before chewing my ass. I had apologized profusely, but she just waved her hand in my direction, dismissing me like a king would dismiss a subject from court.

Ever since then, I had been panicking whether or not I would have a job to go to on Monday. It was Sunday morning, 8:31am to be exact, and I didn't know if I could make it through the day without driving myself nuts. I had just come back from a walk around the block, which I had taken when I had gotten up early due to insomnia. Sure, today you wake up early, Benjamin, you idiot. Silently chastising myself, I remained standing in front of my house, letting the cool air blow past my cheek. Putting my phone back in my pocket, I. Just. Stood. There. Jeez, I was so unmotivated today. Maybe I should go buy a book. No, dumbass, you don't know if you have a job, don't fucking go shopping. Staring at the cobblestones in my driveway, I finally got an idea. I was somewhat of a natural handyman, so sometimes I practiced my skill on certain things in my house.

I finally mustered up the motivation to get my feet to walk again, one after the other, till I got to the stairs of my house, going up the wooden planks and inside, where I changed into some clothes that I knew I wouldn't mind dirtying, got my toolbox off the deck, and headed to the kitchen sink to perform some upgrades on it.

Lately, I had noticed my kitchen faucet had been dripping and I wanted to fix it before it decided to get worse and significantly increase my water bill. God I was so boring today. I took several deep breaths, trying to calm myself down, allowing myself to concentrate on the task at hand. Awesome faucet, Benjamin, awesome faucet. Nothing else matters right now. Finally, I was able to stop thinking about my work mistake, and I focused completely on my sink.

When I was done, I looked at the clock, which read 1:25pm. Wow, that took a really long time. On the plus side, I was really happy that the day was getting closer to Monday and I could learn my fate. I laughed to myself, thinking that I was probably the only person in the world who was happy that Monday was going to come around again. For the first time today, I felt at ease.

I washed my hands in my newly fixed sink and then took my toolbox back out to the deck, spotting my telescope sitting not too far away. I hadn't used it yet since I'd bought it, so I thought since it was daytime, I would try and align it. Unfortunately, the place I had put it wasn't the best for looking at the sky since it was basically pointing towards a giant tree, so I made a mental note to move it to a different location later.

I was just about to pry myself away from my telescope, when Ralston, my German shepherd, walked by, giving me a strange look. I knelt down and pet her soft fur, cooing at her. Ralston barked a short, soft bark and nuzzled my hand. I glanced over at where her doghouse was and noticed her food bowl was empty.

"What's wrong, babe? Are you hungry? You must be, your bowl's empty, huh?"

I pet Ralston more, and then walked over to where the dog food was, getting it out and pouring some into her bowl. As I did, my own stomach growled. I went back inside and made myself an easy bowl of macaroni and cheese. I sat down to eat, thinking about how I wanted to make some real money one day. That was the whole point of me wanting to go work at Heuber Associates. Sighing, my thoughts went back to work and how I was afraid for my job. I looked out the window, seeing that it was dark, and being glad for that. It was going to become Monday, and I was going to learn my fate very soon.


  1. Handsome makeover! And I hope that his boss is forgiving. :)
    Great start, I'm eager to read more.

    1. Thank you. :) I especially like that one picture where he's smiling at the camera, wiping his hands off after fixing the sink. He has a really cute smile.
      Heehee, the next chapter goes into what his boss does...

  2. "Lately, I had noticed my kitchen faucet had been dripping and I wanted to fix it before it decided to get worse and significantly increase my water bill." Oh my God....I was lmao after I read that...I'm all for water conservation but is a few drops really going to sky rocket his water bill? Lol l guess it's nice to be frugal, you can never go wrong saving money. He's hot anyways so it doesn't really matter ;) As long as he's willing to spend his money on that special woman/man.

    Benjamin worries alot but I guess I can understand why he's so worried. Hopefully Kim wasn't too upset with him and he will still have his job. If not...Benjamin might just want to aim higher. There's other opportunities out there...

    1. Pahaha, your comment about the water stuff made me feel better about this story. XD I don't know how to describe it, but a lot of times when I first start out a challenge story like this, I feel like it's too "sim-like." I felt like this particular beginning was kind of hashed together because I based the whole chapter on a few things in Benjamin's Sim panel, his job is his actual job in the game, his relationship with his boss was acquaintance, and his wish to text his boss. Then I fill in the blanks with actual story. I wrote that line subconsciously, like I didn't think about how it would sound to a reader, but now that I have three chapters of Benjamin's story up, I think chapter three explains the worrisome part of his personality more than this one does. But I guess, yeah, thanks for that comment, it made me feel like my story was more realistic. Sorry, it's hard to describe, it's okay if you didn't understand how I felt, just know I liked your comment. LOL.

      I think because Benjamin was a really low level in his job, it made him more worried about it. He wants to make it in the business world, and he knows that pissing off his boss isn't going to get him very far. He's not aiming low per se, he's just starting somewhere. He wants to be rich someday, not in the sense that he wants to become a snob, but in the sense that he wants to not have to worry so much about little things like dripping faucets.

      Also, thanks for thinking he's hot. I liked giving him a makeover, he definitely looks much better than he did before.

    2. No, it doesn't feel Sim-like to me, it honestly feels like another story rather than a challenge even though it is one. I actually didn't know it was a challenge until chapter 3...I just thought u were doing makeover and telling stories with the sims you makeover lol I guess I should read intros more often instead of jumping into a story :P

    3. That is great. Haha, I like that it feels like another story, that's what I wanted it to feel like. XD Well, I am kind of, like the point of the challenge is to makeover Sims and then, in my case, tell a story about them. LOL, it's okay, sometimes just jumping in is pretty fun. :D

  3. Ooh. Poor Benjamin. He must feel really sick to the stomach right now. Glad he has ways to distract himself from worrying too much. But he'll never know until his boss either replies to the text or he sees for himself come Monday morning.

    His fears about his finances are completely understandable. Shopping, a leaky faucet and even making rent would be a few things to worry about if he is indeed let go. Hopefully that won't be the case but either way, it's best to get his priorities straight.

    Ralston hahaha she's staring at master like "Um...less playing with your silly toys and more me time!"

    1. Hi Daijah V, welcome to my story. :)

      Yeah, Benjamin really didn't feel good about his place at his job. His boss isn't really mean, per se, but she's very intimidating, and he just wanted to impress her, but he kind of failed at that.

      It's hard because his finances are so low, and all he really wants to do is keep a roof over his head. Bills are something at the forefront of Benjamin's mind right now, here's hoping things go well for him.

      LOL, yeah Ralston was getting jealous of his telescope. XD
