Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Chapter 10: Sexy Russian Vampire

NOTE: ARGH! Let's get this wishacy/prettacy started! Nubby and Liang need to have a baby already. Sheesh. Maybe I'll follow the rules closer when the first heir is in control... maybe... A couple things, the pink text is when I'm saying stuff to you or the Sims. The black text is the description and my attempts to be funny. I am also lifting the one word chapter title restriction I had in my head. Sometimes I don't know why I do things.
~ LateKnightSimmer~

Liang's out at Waylon's Haunt moonlighting so he can try to fulfill his lifelong dream of owning his own bar. Nubby's at home sleeping, she had a crappy ass day at the Mayor of Bridgeport's house unsuccessfully remodeling his laundry room. I have no idea why I changed my writing to third person, let's just go with it for this chapter... I'm kind of frustrated at this game save, but I don't want to quit. No quitters allowed!

A sexy vampire comes in and orders a drink. Liang's not very good yet, so he drops a bottle of alcohol on the floor. 

The sexy vampire is nice enough to look away and pretend he didn't see Liang's embarrassing attempt at pretending to be Tom Cruise in the movie Cocktail.

Hmm... this is suspicious. The drink is emanating that same green stink Liang was emitting in an earlier chapter. The sexy vampire is pretty disgusted with it. I keep trying to get a shot of the sexy vampire's eyes, but he's always blinking when I take pictures. Perhaps he's one of those Sims who always blinks when he gets his picture taken. It's too bad, he has nice eyes. His name is Vladimir, so he must be a sexy Russian vampire. Mmm-mm.

Ok. Here we go. Sexy Russian vampire's eyes. See, I told you he had nice eyes. 

"Spacebo (thank you) for the many compliments."

"Spacebo back at you for being so sexy, sexy Russian vampire."

Sexy Russian vampire decides to give Liang another chance at making him a drink. How kind of him. Liang, please get better. Let's try not to make the sexy Russian vampire nauseous. If he is to be nauseous, it should be because he drank too many good drinks. I love when the thought bubble hasn't appeared yet, but the picture of what the Sim is thinking shows up. Sexy Russian vampire has a glass hovering above his head.

The second drink Liang makes for sexy Russian vampire is free from green stink lines. Great job, Liang.

Pretty soon, everyone leaves the bar, except for the bartender girl. There were four Sims in the bar besides Liang. Liang cleans the counter, and the sexy Russian vampire comes back in, violently opposed to staplers. Maybe sexy Russian vampire had a bad Office Space experience with a red stapler. Who knows?

Liang finishes his shift at 3:20am and goes home, only to get smashed by the elevator...

He pries the doors open with his muscly arms... ...only to fall flat on his face. Luckily he's going back to his apartment and not falling on his face in the lobby... unlike someone... *cough Nubby cough* Liang wonders why the hell he ever left work to come home to this shark of an elevator.

Liang decides to take a shower. There are no Liang butt shots, as he is a never nude Sim, or a PG Sim, as I like to call him.

Every time Liang sings in the shower, his hands or arms magically pass through the shower doors and end up outside the shower.

"I have mutant powers, I can pass through walls."

"Uh... then why the hell didn't you just walk through the elevator door?"

Liang just glared at me. I think he's been watching too many Xmen movies.

Nubby wakes up around 6am and feels like painting, so she continues working on her big ass swirly painting. I'm curious to see what she comes up with.

I guess it's a tree. It's not bad, it is valued at 48 Simoleons. This is the only place it would fit in the apartment, but it kind of looks like it's sitting on the television.

Look at the next picture with caution. Your eyes might burn. Really, I'm not joking. I hate the architectural designer career with a passion and am irritated Nubby thought of it as a career, so I had her quit work because I hate that career... so much. She's just going to work on her lifetime dream which is to be a successful author.

Geez, you guys are boring Sims. Get on the baby making for crying out loud. You're both in your pajamas just GO. If you all don't freaking hurry up, this wishacy won't even get past Generation Founder. Look at the wrinkles on Liang's face, he's already an adult... and you know what that means in Sim terms, Nubby. Do you want him to be an old man when you boink him?

Way to go, Liang, you broke the toilet. Now Nubby's phone is ringing. I hate these distractions. SO. MUCH.

9,999,999,999 romantic interactions later, the freaking baby chime. Okay. I'm better now.


  1. lmao
    had to skip the story a little to quote this..
    "Maybe sexy Russian vampire had a bad Office Space experience with a red stapler. Who knows?"
    Then he's all thinking like, "Dude.. Phuq red staplers, man.." lmao Okay, *scrolls back up*

    Omg, a never-nude... XD

    "Uh... then why the hell didn't you just walk through the elevator door?"
    Liang's face: -_-

    "Do you want him to be an old man when you boink him?"
    omg.. rofl.

    YES a baby! Finally. Liang is a cutie, I like him. Yay, Nubby!!

    1. LOL. ROFL. LMAO. 'Fuck red staplers, man.' HAHAHA!! I totally read that as if he was stoned, don't know why. Haha!
      Haha, Liang's face. Yeah...
      That damn baby arrived at the correct time. I was seriously getting so fucking bored with this save. ARGH. Hahaha. I like Liang too he's funny. Never nude... *shakes head* I've never had one of those either. Haha. Thank god for sexy Russian vampire, or my eyes would have been broken writing this. Thanks for commenting!

    2. Is it just me, or does anyone else think of them just leaving their boxers/briefs on and just, "pulling it out" instead of undressing fully for the WooHoo? lmao. Omg never nudes.. *rolls eyes so hard it hurts my braaaaiiinnnnn*

    3. Hahahahaha!!! I wondered if the Never Nude was like that too, like how the hell do they get laid? Probably in the dark under a million blankets. Which is probably better for these two anyway. *cringes* *goes to happy place* i.e. Max from Zenteris... or Jason from Dubois...

  2. I hate red staplers, too! So I have something in common with Vladimir Schlick?!?!? Oh dear... not good o.O
    Can´t wait to see the baby ^^

    1. LMAO. I guess you do. Sexy Russian vampire saved this chapter from my eyes completely burning. I heart him for it. Haha. I can't wait to see the baby either. This story is seriously boring me to death so it was time for the baby. Haha.

  3. Whooo!!! a baby. I wonder what he or she is going to look like. I can't wait! Lets hope the baby takes after Liang! I lol'd about Liang thinking he was like Tom Cruise from the movie cocktails. I love the humor you use in this story, every chapter makes me giggle.

    1. Haha. Thank you. I am glad they are finally going to have a baby. This legacy was sucking. Haha.
