Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Chapter 12: Sexy Cook, Ugly Baby

The sink is broken in the house, but Nubby is using her 'condition' as an excuse not to fix it. Pssh... Sicily would laugh at you, Nubby, she's fixed things like the dishwasher when she's far into her pregnancy and that requires getting down on her hands and knees. Who's Sicily? She's a super Sim in another one of my stories who's doing a 100 baby challenge. Nubby looks pathetic next to Sicily.

Let's see what Liang's doing. Awww, his adorableness is asleep dreaming about bathtubs. I'm so glad I gave him a new haircut, he looks so much cuter now. Lord knows I need some cute in this story. *rolls eyes* Liang is a neat Sim, perhaps that's why he likes bathtubs. I don't know how he's living in the above pictured filth. Oh... it's cause he's asleep. When he wakes up, he's going to be making the kitchen sink unbreakable so this abomination doesn't happen again. Especially with a baby on the way, and babies are so messy.

Liang's got a few hours before he needs to wake up, so it's time for Nubby to go back to the library and do that author thing. She's gotten so many wishes for so many different careers, none for writing, yet her lifetime dream is to make $400 a week off her writing. *shakes head* Her priorities suck. I bet she really hates those stairs now.

Naturally, Nubby goes and does exactly what I sent her to the library not to do, which is read. I sent her there to write another book. *face palm* Ooh, what do we have here? Sexy guy in a line cook uniform? Hello sexy cook. The camera will be following you around after sending Nubby to go write.

"Nubby call me when you're going in labor so I can send your fat ass to the hospital. Sexy cook will be getting my attention for now."

What is with all the men in this save being wrinkly? Meh, I guess, he's still hot with his crow's feet. Nice close up of Sexy Cook with the book he just picked up.

"Whatcha readin' there, Sexy Cook?"

"Unicorns for Audrey."

"I like your earring."

"Thank you."

"Am I bothering you?"

"No, I like the company."

"You know your shirt is almost the same color as your skin, so it looks like..." *coy smile*

"Haha. I never noticed that. No one's ever told me that before."

"Hey baby where are you going?"

"I have to go to work. But it was nice talking to you."

Thus ends my fun with the almost shirtless sexy cook. Le sigh. Back to Nubby. At least now she's doing what she should be, which is writing.

The library remains quite boring and uneventful due to the lack of testosterone in the building. Staring at the book (Unicorns for Audrey, next to the girl in the hat) reminds me of Sexy Cook and how much I miss his stubbled face. More le sigh.

Liang has left work as a towel boy, and since the library is boring me to death, I go check on him. He's currently walking towards his car pool. Why is he wearing a suit when he's a towel boy? Actually he's a beverage consultant at the day spa, but I thought towel boy was a funnier title for him. He doesn't mind. See? He's smiling.

Liang goes back home and sleeps because the poor man is dead tired from his many jobs. Nubby's needs have gotten too low for her to continue writing *rolls eyes* so I send her back home. She starts thinking about joining the angler career, getting a massage and buying a dryer. What? She's trying to be like Sicily again, with the angler thing. If she wants to be like Sicily, she should really stop using her 'condition' as an excuse, and fix the damn sink instead of having her boyfriend do everything. Uh, getting a massage? I realize you're pregnant, Nubby, but you haven't done anything today except sit on your ass playing chess and writing part of a book. A dryer? Why? You have no hampers, you don't need to do laundry. You live in an apartment that is the size of a closet, do you even remember that you need to buy a crib, which will take up, oh I don't know, FOUR build squares?!

Liang looks much better in those interesting boxer shorts. He's of course, fixing the sink. He has to fix it first before he can make it unbreakable, and he's also thinking about mopping the floor. He's got so many thoughts that all have to do with cleaning the apartment, so many that he has run out of space in his wish list. Wish One, repair broken sink, check. Wish Two, mop puddle, in progress.

Done with puddle mopping. Wish Three, upgrading five objects. Liang fixes the sink to make it unbreakable. In the midst of his handiness, he thinks he should marry Nubby. He's probably getting tired of being her slave as much as I am tired of seeing him be her slave.

You are so lucky, Nubby. The man has been working his butt off for you, and now he's giving you a massage. You're lucky he wants to marry you too, though it's surprising the way you've been treating him.

All right you idiots, time to get married. 9,999,999 romantic interactions later, Liang proposes. Nubby is excited and would have said yes, but guess what?

Yeah, that's right, the baby decides to come now. Timing for these two is dumb. So dumb. All. The. Time. It probably doesn't help that they always have to do nine billion romantic interactions to get to the point where they do anything useful with each other. So. They're not engaged because Nubby had to say no so she could make her face even uglier than it already is, if that's even possible.

Liang's a good father and takes Nubby to the hospital, even though he has to pee. Luckily they only need to take one subway ride to the hospital as there is a station close to it.

Nubby and Liang have a baby girl... Eh. I don't know what to name her, so I just named her the first word that came to mind, Liberty. Their daughter is Liberty Yat Sen. There's no way in hell her surname was going to be Tubby, Nubby is going to change her last name after they successfully get married. Also since I don't care what her traits are right now, I rolled, and Liberty is a heavy sleeper and friendly. Naturally Nubby doesn't wait for Liang to stand with her outside the hospital, so I can get a picture of the two of them together. Wierdly, the baby looks normal... I find this highly unlikely.

Since babies bore me to death more than Liang and Nubby do, as if that is even possible, I just aged her up to a toddler. The ugly kicked in then, which is more of what I expected. She got Nubby's hairstyle and nose. I don't know who's eye color she has, maybe it's a mix of both of her parents. It's like light brown, even though I'm sure Liang's eyes aren't that bright, and I don't think I gave Nubby light brown eyes. The poor girl looked like a boy with the clothes she aged up in. Sadly, she still kind of looks like a boy. Of course when I tried to get a picture of her, Nubby walked her fat ass in front of me and I couldn't get a front facing shot. *rolls eyes* So that's why I just have a CAS shot.


  1. LOL I loved the conversation you had with the sexy cook. Next time you see him, tell him I say hi.. >_> hahaha

    "do you even remember that you need to buy a crib, which will take up, oh I don't know, FOUR build squares?!"
    I laughed super hard at this. Think of the SQUARES, Nubby.. THE SQUARES!?

    Awwww... Liberty is kinda cute. Her nose is.. Well.. Nubby's nose. I think a lot of her face look like Liang though. YAY! lmao

    1. I will be sure to tell Sexy Cook hi for you. LMAO. The baby... I was kind of hoping for a boy, although I didn't try too hard for this story to get a boy, so when it was a girl I was indifferent. You're right though she didn't turn out as ugly as she could have. I did move them into a different place, so they have space now to have more kids, so I might try again.

  2. Lol. A dryer... as someone who plays with will on usually - the wish for a dryer has never been accepted. -_-


    as if it's not good enough that they want to break stuff and leave dishes on every surface of the house, now they want to leave their clothing piled up everywhere.... Makes me want to murder them. Seriously. >.>

    1. Wow, I bet that leaves green stink lines everywhere, doesn't it? The dirty piles of clothing. My favorite, and when I say favorite, I mean least favorite, thing is when they go to do the laundry, so they're going around collecting stuff, and then for no reason whatsoever, they stop, drop the laundry somewhere on the floor and walk away. WTF? That's not doing the laundry, stupid Sim. *grumbles*
      LOL. I thought it was stupid because she didn't wish for a washer, so what the fuck exactly would a dryer be good for? And uh... how the hell was she going to wash the clothes? In the bathtub? With the size she is? Doubt it. LMAO.

    2. omg I feel the same way! Unless you have a hamper in every room, the house becomes a big friggen mess. Makes me want to hulk smash the game.

      Anyhoo, I don't think the baby looks as bad as Nubby. Her nose is kinda meh, but the rest of her isn't so bad. Maybe when she grows up she will grow into her features? At least her last name isn't tubby!

    3. LMAO Hulk smash the game. :D The baby definitely turned out not bad. I mean she's not gorgeous, but she only got one of Nubby's gross features. Hahaha. Yes, Yat Sen is a much better last name. ROFL.
